Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Agatha Photos

I thought I had uploaded more photos but only one showed up.  Trying for some more.........


  1. Hi Rick....I just met you this Saturday in Virginia MN shopping at the mall in Herbergers. I sold you the candles in the mens dept and I talked with you about your job...My boyfriend was excited to see all this and was glad you gave us this info.Its awesome!! The sets look so smaller then i thought!! I will probably email you or something later as i would like to relay a message to you from one of your relatives i think . My name is Deb M.

  2. well, maybe I can leave you the message here. My boyfriend had a student several years back who told him about you, i think it is your cousin or nephew or something.....Benjamin maybe is his name? Would that be correct???It was several years ago so you must have been doing Magnum then..anyway small world, how was your aunts party??That was sweet of you to come all this way for it!!! I bet she felt special...hope I run into you again at the dept store as it was fun to talk to you......MY boyfriends sister was a news anchor for many years in Minneapolis and now she does set decorating for magazine layouts like better Homes, and Midwest that is probably why i enjoyed our conversation so much...Thank you for your business card too. Will keep in touch!! Happy New year!
