Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Found More Photos of Agatha's & Higgins' Rooms

Not much to say here (Wow, did I say 
that?).  Found these additional photos and thought I should post them before we get too far away from the original posts................


  1. I haven't been able to check here for a few days, and I see I've missed five posts - it's hard to keep up!

    Thanks for the additional photos. Agatha's reminds me so much of my old grandparent's homes. I feel like I could walk in the door of that set and I'd find brownies or cookies waiting for me. Then I'd get asked if I'm seeing any girls, how I'm doing in school, why I'm so thin (don't my parents feed me?) and why my last thank you note took so long to get to them.

    Weird I know, but it's a compliment to your work. : )

    A few rambling questions if you care to answer:

    Was the real life home seen in the show measured in order to make the set more accurate? (I think you said this was done for some homes at least).

    Did you personally visit the house?

    Was the floor plan inside the home considered as "inspiration" at all when making the set?

    Was the door on the set taken from the actual house?

    And what did homeowners do without a front door when this did happen? Was it kept for very long?

    Thanks again!

  2. I think the only consideration was to include the windows in relationship to the door. Any measuring of accuracy would have been the domain of the art department. If they were doing a more detailed "establishing shot" of the house, sometimes I would have to put our blinds, sheers, or drapes in the house since it wasn't practical to take their drapes/door to the studio. I've had circumstances when we removed people's drapes to replace them with ours and their drapes disintegrated because of sun damage or rot. Usually they were happy to have ours as a replacement.

    As I recall, they built that door to match the one on the real home. I was probably on the scout and saw the actual home exterior, but unless I had any work there, I wouldn't have taken any photos or notes. The Greens Department (plants) might have added some flowers or cleaned up the lawn. Establishing shots were usually just a few seconds of exterior and then cut to inside or someone knocking on the door in a closeup.

    No, the confines of the space on the stage would have taken precedent over matching the floor plan of the location house. It looks like the fireplace was located on the same wall as the front door so that might indicate there was a chimney on the front of the real house. They weren't that worried back then about matching all the details. Now there are people who watch "LOST" frame by frame looking for mistakes so things have changed a lot with digital TV.

    Your questions are all interesting. My answers, for the most part, apply to most of the sets on the show and in many cases television production in general.


  3. thank you so much for all the interesting photos and stories!
