Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's time to play....NAME THAT EPISODE!

This is another one of those sets that looked good then, but would probably get me fired today in its simplicity.  I think the painter would be in the same boat as the paint aging is pretty bad, too.  I have no idea which episode this was from but we built this from scratch in an area known as Sherwood Forrest on Waimanalo Beach--even though I think it was supposed to be in the mountains somewhere.  

I thought it was good that you see that we didn't build any more than was necessary--hence the half of a water tank.  It looks like the Greens Department had a ways to go getting some planting around the base of the cabin.  There is very little age or uniformity in the dressing out on the deck.  This sort of "screams SET" and doesn't look believable to me now.  I've already checked--the fireplace rocks do not line up with the ones in Agatha's house (which sounds like I'm succumbing to "Magnum Mania" for detail!)--although it is strangely the same size.  The stones all look too uniform and plain for supposedly being lava rock.  Well, not much more to say about this set since I don't really remember any more stories about it.  Since there is no way for me to top the last 2 postings, here is something less exciting for you to ponder.

As I am getting close to Thanksgiving, I may or may not have time to post again this week.  Robin Masters would be right at home with my overindulgent feast, but unfortunately Higgins has the week off and I'm doing it all by myself.  OMG, I'm slipping into Magnum dementia!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and let's be thankful for what we do have whether we are celebrating with turkey on Thursday or not.

Aloha,  Rick


  1. I haven't figured out which episode yet, but I'll tell ya' in Hawaii, that would be a $1/2M property. If it's on the beach probably more. I ran through "No More Mr. Nice Guy", and didn't see this set. The search continues. Great shots. Thanks for sharing.
    Mike (N1095A)

  2. Looks like you found it James.

  3. I knew it was one with Carol and the guy who kidnapped her - I got the wrong episode. Thanks James for naming the right one.

  4. I Love this blog!! Always wanted to know more about what was behind the sets of Magnum. Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Hi Rick!
    Hope you had a great Turkey Day. Me? I'm still in a tryptophan stupor!

  6. Hello Rick! What a great surprise to find your blog! I really enjoyed the information and the photos. I am a great fan of Magnum and everything that went with it! I found your blog while looking for Buck Henshaw- Set Designer of Hawaii Five-O. Unfortunately it seems he has passed away...
    Could you please help me to get in touch with anyone who worked on that show: I was trying to find out if the 'pencil drawings' hanging just inside McGarret's office (seen in all episodes) were done by Jack Lord... I knew that he was also a painter and went all over the Internet to find some of his art work-but came up with nothing!(During my 10 years as a P.A. I could always find the impossible for Art Directors).
    I would at the very least, like to know what kind of paintings he did. I am currently watching that show on DVD's and enjoy the great production values. Many, many, thanks for your time- please make my day...All the best!
    Maria Grazia Stanfield- Atlanta

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