Friday, December 12, 2008

Higgins' "Other" Bedroom Set

In the hopes that I might find some pictures, I climbed into a storage area under a stairway in my home that I open about once every few years.  I did find a Magnum file that had my original start papers and things from my employment.  I did find some photos printed from some slides.  They were labelled "Higgins' Bedroom.  I do remember doing an another bedroom for him later.  I'm guessing this might have been part of a flashback or something because the walls are just painted and not the usual aged plaster look.  Ironically there is virtually nothing from his original bedroom set posted earlier so there must not have been any interest in continuity.  There is also nothing of mine in this room which tells me it must have been closer to my "end" as the decorator or maybe even after when I became the assistant to the person who replaced me.  I still did many of the sets even though I was never given credit for them.........another long story that I can't put in this blog.  I do have a few more sets to post and then I have got to dig out my oldest files and hope I find the mother lode.  Maybe I could post some "Jake and the Fatman" sets and drive you all crazy trying to figure out which Magnum sets they were?  That wouldn't last long since you're all too smart for me on this subject!

     One of the few benefits of unemployment, I mean "availability," is I can really do up Christmas.  With no TV sets to dress, that leaves my house and lots of Christmas stuff I haven't had time to dig out in years.  It doesn't pay much, but it keeps me off the beach.  Hope all you anonymous people out there and my loyal 14 followers are having a good holiday season as well.  Posting again soon!

Aloha,  Rick


  1. Thank you so much for all the great memories. Magnum P.I. was my favorite show of the 1980s. It's a real joy to see some old familiar 'friends'. Keep up the great postings.

    One of my goals after I retire is to visit Hawaii and look up the Magnum estate.

  2. Thanks Rick for sharing more pictures and memories. I look at your blog every day.

    Have fun with your Christmas decorating!

  3. Make that 16 loyal followers! The pressure is on to find more photos--that's for sure. I guess that pressure is a nice counter to the Christmas pressure thing--even though every year I always say "that's it!" Again many thanks to you all for your kind words and encouragement. As far as "looking up the Magnum Estate, I would not expect an invitation to tea. Ok, back to the North Pole--must hang more STUFF!

    Mele Kalikimaka, Rick

  4. Make that 17 ! I really do enjoy the blog and make sure to check back at least 2 times a week.
    Thank you for all the effort !

    Have a merry Christmas !

    Oh i would not mind seeing a picture of your "professional" christmas decoration either!

  5. You've got a lot more followers on here than you thin, Rick.

    Thanks for the new post. Great photos as usual.

    No pressure. We don't want your life to turn into one big quest to find Magnum set photos. Just know that there are lots of us interested to hear any and all stories you have to tell.


  6. I, too, am a loyal follower. Anonymity is a wildly popular thing but don't let that discourage you. If you want to post anything to your blog you should go for it, and for your own reasons. Be assured there are many here that find this blog is frequently the high point of their day!


    Rodney in Indiana

  7. I am collecting and researching things about our beloved TV Show for many many years now but this Blog is definitly on the top of it. Where do you find somebody who tells us from behind the scenes that funny and gets us who, for the majority for sure, have never worked on a TV set understand better how a show is actually produced. To me also, this blog is one big christmas present.

    Speaking of it: The year end is approaching and I was also busy with christmas preparations but there is always time to take a peek here to see if there's a new blog post or comment.

    To all of you and especially Rick: I wish you a merry christmas and happy new year 2009! I will celebrate with at least 2 Magnum episodes as every year and will send a toast around the world!


  8. Thanks Rick...Keep them coming.
    Has this set been identified,anybody?

  9. I think this is from Season Three's "Foiled Again", but I'm not 100% sure. Unfortunately, I can't check as this particular DVD is broken (long story).

  10. This must make me fan #18! Awww, for every 1 of us that's posted, there's perhaps 10 that just enjoy reading the posts. Rick--thanks so much for your input and insight. You have definitely enlightened me!

  11. The guilt is getting heavier! All these great comments from everyone and I'm decorating and wrapping and entertaining instead of posting! What's wrong with me? Well, there will be one or two more before Christmas, I promise. I hope Santa brings me all my old photos so I can keep this blog going in the new year. I don't suppose any of you would be interested in "Jake and the Fatman" or "One West Waikiki" instead? Ok, I didn't think so. I do have 2 TV movies airing now on the Lifetime Channel: "Flirting with 40" and "Max's Special Delivery." that I did earlier this year. You know, when I used to work for a living........

    Again, thanks for all your comments!

    Aloha, Rick

  12. "I don't suppose any of you would be interested in "Jake and the Fatman?"

    I would be interested. Great show, especially the seasons that were shot in Oahu (Seasons 2,3,4). I would be particularly interested in the following episodes.

    "Why Can't You Behave?" (1989) with the E-Street Band's Clarence Clemons as Blue Danny Boyd.

    "You're Driving Me Crazy" (1990) with Terry O'Quinn and Jean Bruce Scott.

    "Ain't Misbehavin'" (1992) with Bob Minor.


  13. This is me in Wiamanalo, HI sneaking briefly onto the "Robin Master's Estate" I couldn't resist but would not recommend following in my footsteps as it was trespassing.

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