Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Photos of former Mgnum Soundstage and studio (February 2009)


  1. The third photo clearly shows that this building is the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. ;)

    That made me think... were you responsible for the signs that were made to be placed in front of buildings? How were those installed, with spikes that would go into the ground? These are the hard hitting questions that need answered.

  2. Whoops, I really meant the second image. That one shows the sign better...

  3. The Santa Rosa sign is from "LOST" which is currently using the 5-0 / Magnum stage as a construction / set storage area. Normally the production designer / art director designs the signs, construction builds and installs them. Sometimes they cover existing signs and sometimes they are free standing. They might use stakes, sand bags, clamps, double stick tape, etc. Any sign, or name has to be "cleared" meaning that there are none with that name or do not exist. There are entire companies that specialize in nothing but cleared names although it's a little easier with the internet now.

    Just a reminder, please ask your longer questions or multiple questions as comments on this blog. I don't mind answering a question or 2 on my gmail account, but the point is to share what remaining gray cells that I happen to have that still remember things from the past. Mahalo!

