Sunday, March 8, 2009

ebay Magnum link and item numbers listed

You can either go to my account directly (after 6:30 PST tonight) @  or here are the numbers and closing dates:

Auctions Closing Saturday, March 14th around 6:00 p.m. PST (now dst):

Variety Ad large:  #190291970106
Variety Ad small:  #190291972476
Magnum Stationery:  190291967451

Auctions Closing Sunday, March 15 between 6:00 and 6:30 PST (now dst):

Exposed film:  #190291783135
Crew Award:  #190291788394
Selleck Ad:  #190291795369
Magnum Art:  #190292001854
Model Invoices:  #190292209771
Call sheet, memo, my card:  #190292221384

Assuming I won't be able to retire after these auctions close, I have more things for next week including 2 complete episode production reports w/scripts used. some set working plans, and more (I hope).  Please know that you're getting the originals of whatever I have and I will not be reproducing things for later sales.  Slides should be back soon--more photos, less words. 

Please help support my favorite charity, me!


  1. Please note, I have pre-listed the second group of items to begin in 3 hours. If you try them before the 7 day auction begins, they won't show up. Just check back later if you get an invalid response. Thank you!

