Monday, March 30, 2009

Higgins' Den "Before" Look PART II


  1. Oh my God, Rick! ;)

    This was amazing.
    T H A N X

  2. AWESOME! Again from "Holmes Is Where The Heart Is" and as fabulous as the Guesthouse "old" Version. Thanks for posting! I noticed a few things in there I remember from past episodes, like the Lord Byron's Poems book for example.

    This brings me to a question I have. The book was a previous prop as it was handled by Hillerman in a different episode ("Black On White"). Now it is just seen on a table so set dressing. Did your department have access to the prop items as well to use them as set dressing? Or did the Prop Department handle this then?

  3. Good question! There were "crossovers" like when Agatha was carrying in some pillows. They would normally have been a prop because she was carrying them, but the pillows needed to match something so I got the pillows and gave them to props. If someone was to be presented with a photo or award, I would either take car of it or at least have it framed and then give it to props (never to be seen again! lol). I would also do silverware, crystal, plates, that would be used, but props would do the food. Sometimes an important prop (like The Bridge on the River Kwai) might later turn into set dressing and become part of the set. Prop masters tend to be phobic about maintaining control and possession over their prop items. Except the time the prop master forgot to count how many rental Uzis came in and it appeared one was missing. The FBI came in to solve that one--not Thomas Magnum! Nowadays, if you show a book title, you better have permission to use it.

    Aloha, Rick

  4. One thing that really suprises me is how small the sets are in your photos as compared to on screen. I remember a comment you made earlier about it being "all about what the camera sees". The lighting and camera angles make the sets appear much larger. The guest house set is a great example. now, it looks like the same effect is in the main house. Absolutely love your behind the scenes peek. Thanks Rick!

  5. que maravilla de los escenarios
