Friday, April 3, 2009

"Going Home" Set Discoveries.....Thanks, Marco!

Marco sent me some screen grabs from this episode that I looked at more closely.  The kitchen was a set on the stage, also!  That large, dark hutch was mine and I thought it was odd I would have used it inside a real house since it was so big.  I tried selling it (cheap) last fall with no takers, it went into an auction (where it was listed LAST) and didn't sell, so I wound up giving it away just to get rid of it.  Also, if you look carefully, you can see a set wall seam in the upper right corner behind the hutch.  That lamp over the sink is right out of J.C. Penney's (when we had one here), so that was another interesting discovery that confirms it was a set.  Also, Marco, if you look on your asset list when your paperwork arrives, I think that wall oven is listed on it.  Notice the wood trim on the arch unit in the kitchen (behind Tom's head) matches the trim on his bedroom closet.  It's possible that they just reused that section from the kitchen and repainted it if there was enough time between the filming of one set and the other.  Most set details (like trim and molding) were done in place on the stage.  It was almost impossible to work on the sound stage while they were filming--in fact, if the sound man could have stopped all of our hearts from beating while they were rolling, he would have done it to make it quieter!  That radiator in Tom's bedroom was a fiberglass one I brought back from Universal Studios set dressing storage building.  Needless to say there were none in Hawaii.  They were never sent back, but I think have recently disappeared from the film studio's storage room.
     The trophy behind Gwen's head in the attic was probably taken off the cover set dining room and used there.  The reason I would watch the shows (well sometimes for this reason) was to make sure that if someone placed the trophy into the scene and it appeared so prominently in the shot, it would have to be retired for awhile.  Of course nowadays, nothing is sacred with DVD stop action and enlargements.  Like when I spelled the main character's name wrong on a diploma on "LOST"  It was used several times and none of us noticed it until a blogger posted it all over the net.  Damn bloggers anyway! lol
     Well, thanks for the screen grabs and looks like I milked the last post a little further and saved more of my pictures for later!

Aloha,  Rick


  1. thanks for posting all the great sets! It's so much fun hearing the behind the scenes stuff.

  2. Interesting that they'd tear down a set and use elements from it in another set while still filming the same episode. What if they had to re-shoot something from before they tore down the set?

  3. By the way, Pity you don't still have the hutch. Judging by recent sales of MPI props on Ebay, you could have gotten a couple thousand for it.

  4. Thanks DarCA! As far as set re-use, yes, that does seem odd they would reuse a set in the same episode. However, I doubt that they would have built the same arch and trim from the kitchen and repeat it in the bedroom. If one set was shot at the beginning of the episode on the stage, then the company filming at the house for a few days, they could have used it again.
    You brought up another interesting point. They hadn't invented instant video playback back then. (now the image is split between a video camera and the film camera) They would film a scene and the exposed film was then shipped to a film lab in L.A. overnight (they still do this now as there is no motion picture film lab in Hawaii). Unlike today with instant video playback, there was a day or two lag before knowing if the film was ok. So, yes, we did sometimes hold difficult sets for a "film check" unless there was a pressing need for the space for another set. I don't remember any real problems with the film or having to reshoot scenes for film reasons--other reasons, yes.
    Even though the film can cases have "DO NOT X-RAY" on them, a new guard at the airport once sent a day's worth of filming from "LOST" through the machine anyway and ruined all the film. There are white flashes here and there even though you can still make out the images.
    Somehow a heavy, large hutch that was partially seen on one set 24 years ago probably would not get enough on eBay to even pay for the shipping! Sadly, a lot of things that were seen on many shows here are now being liquidated very cheaply this month. The owner died and they are closing out the last antique furniture store in Hawaii. A huge loss for many reasons.

    Aloha, Rick
