Friday, July 2, 2010

Thanks for the well wishes and a little news.....

I appreciate all your comments especially after such a long work drought. I think I've still got it! I almost hesitate to report since I don't want to jinx anything--but it looks as though I am working with the best creative team of my career! It's not just that we all get along and are on the same page, but the people in the art department are fantastic, creative, and listen! Not to say that it's been easy by any account, but at least our challenges are being met with professionalism and creativity and not.....well, like some of the not so pleasant working relationships I've had in the past!

Being reunited with my crew again and having the most experienced shopper/buyer to follow through on the paperwork and track down the best prices is a huge help to me. If it wasn't so frustrating it would be funny, but the set dressing warehouse we fought so hard to get is already full and we haven't even started filming yet! I think once we have time to organize and get some racks we will be all right for awhile. I had no idea we had so much stuff from the pilot. We'll make it work somehow. Is it too soon to say "I told you we needed a larger space?!!"

One challenge at the moment is not having a script. We have outlines for 4 episodes, but nothing specific and they still expect to start filming on the 15th. The entire creative team will be arriving shortly so I'm sure we will have more info soon. I was able to see the entire pilot episode on DVD--there's nothing like it on TV AND it's in Hawaii! Knowing that it's been 42 years since the original premiered, I think they've done an excellent job of updating the show while still keeping the original flavor of what made the show so popular in the first place. Many local people are already wondering if they will still be driving by Diamond Head. turn right and suddenly be on the North Shore or maybe Waimanalo Beach like the original did. Can't say, but they are committed to showing Hawaii so you can expect lots of scenery no matter where their "creative geography" says it is.

As already reported in the media, we are going to be filming in one of the 2 warehouses left behind when the 154 year old Honolulu Advertiser shut down last month and doing construction and painting in the other building next door. Originally they wanted me to share space with construction, but the former "LOST" construction coordinator helped convince management that he needed all of the space and set dressing needed their own. When over 400 workers left their offices behind (either losing their jobs or now working our only daily paper the new Star-Advertiser) they left a treasure trove of 50+ years of desks, file cabinets, shelves, lockers etc. behind. We not only furnished our production offices but I was allowed to purchase enough office furniture to do every police, bad guy, or retro office set they can come up with. With the economy still not recovered here, old office furniture is difficult to find and even more difficult to sell so it was a perfect winning combination. They will be auctioning off the rest--still a considerable amount! Speaking of offices, our production office space could hardly be more perfect for the company than if it had been designed for us. Ok, first floor would have been better, but that's about it. Some of my main retail sources are in the same building.

Well, better get that first paycheck in the bank and get to work. I've been printing out photos for work so I'm not goofing off too much. Really.

Aloha, Rick

P.S. I really like the idea about having Tom Selleck do something on this show. Maybe during the rating sweeps they will? Of course there's that other former Hawaii resident, President Obama, who wouldn't hurt the ratings either! Couldn't hurt his ratings either :-)


  1. Great News Rick,

    All the Best!,


  2. Hi Rick,
    We are all very happy for you.
    Post more when you can.. I think we all like the updates...Best of luck..
    I was in Oahu a few weeks ago and drove by all the old outside film locations and the studio they used for Magnum. Brought back a lot of memories. Don

  3. Rick,
    How about some news on your new job for H50 and for any other projects? Don

  4. Hi Rick,
    I hope all is going well.You must be working your --- off. Can you give us any updates on H50 or other projects your working on?
    Regards, Don

  5. Good ratings - leader in the 14-49 group! I would call it a successfull premiere! Also reviews sounded pretty well - so far so good!

  6. It's been a while since I've checked your blog, but that's not because of the content or rate of updates but rather my own free time. I'm really glad to hear you are doing 5-0 and, although I missed the premier because I thought I had the DVR set correctly, we will be seeing it when it is rebroadcast this week-end. It will be more special thanks to your blog!

    Best wishes to you going forward.

  7. Hi Rick,

    What's news ?

  8. Hi Rick!

    Great to hear of your success, then we Herman's always enjoyed your sets! Yes...BIG HUGS from the Herman Clan...George and Pat and all from HCT soooo long ago!


    Lisa Herman-Gagnon

  9. Hope everything is well with you! Miss reading your posts on here!
