Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ignore the tubley email--sorry!

I foolishly opened an email about something called tubely and it sent offers to everyone else within my Magnum email list. I am normally more vigilant, but this time I slipped. At least you didn't get the i-pad offer I supposedly sent out to all my facebook friends! Now if I could just figure out how to get the millions of dollars that keep being left to me by relatives who are constantly dying in Nigeria, I could buy all of you new ipads!



  1. Ha! Oh you made me laugh hard with the Nigeria comment, Great blog!

  2. Tom in NashvilleMay 5, 2011 at 9:35 PM

    love your blog - have read it back-to-front. so interesting. have you found any more cool mag related stuff to jar your memory to write about? Maybe you could write a bit about some of the people who where on or worked on the show - cool stories or memories - something more about the people involved....just a thought - i think people would be very interested in that angle...anyway, great job and thx!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Just found your blog...I LOVE all things Tom Selleck and was a faithful follower of Magnum PI, so I appreciate your efforts, skill and creativity which no doubt helped that show what it was.

    I too would love to hear more of your stories... Watched Hawaii 50 (the newer one...but didn't tune in regularly...

  5. Thanks so much for your comments about me and the show. As someone who can't always remember where my car keys are, coming up with interesting comments and memories from 25 years ago is asking a lot! I'll try. At least they were mostly happy memories from those I do recall.

  6. Rick! I got that email too. Ah, but hey man. I want to talk with you sometime. I FINALLY got to work on setting up/designing a real set for a short film :D
