Thursday, August 4, 2011

Up The River -- With A Paddle This Time

Happy Summer (or winter where some are) Magnum Fans! After 6 months to the day of no work, I started last week on a fantastic new TV production called "The River." The what?? Well, 7 years ago people were saying what's "LOST??" It's a new series (mid-season January 2012) from Dreamworks (aka Steven Spielberg) and Disney. They have kept the lease on the Hawaii State Film Studio for another year after "LOST" and the recently cancelled "Off the Map." I have joked that on our show they are both lost and off the map as part of the plot so we are sure to be a hit! I believe there is a trailer on youtube that gives a little background to the story. I will say this, there is nothing like it on TV today and if you're tired of shows that have lots of abbreviations in the title (S.U.V., N.C.I.S., C.S.I. or even 5-0) this will be a real change. I've seen the pilot twice at the studio and I can pay it the highest compliment, I would actually watch this show!
The next great thing I can say is that the people I am working for are fantastic! Talented, creative, respectful, willing to listen and work things out and SMART enough to hire all of us who were fired off of "5-0" after 12 episodes. As a postscript to that, none of the people who replaced us are back for season 2......but enough on that dirty laundry.
So what does this have to do with Magnum? Well, the soundstage where all 8 seasons of Magnum were filmed is now the home to the set dressing warehouse! It's funny opening that same old metal door that still sticks and walking into that building each day. Unfortunately the building is no longer air conditioned and even with fans blowing, it's over 100 degrees in there by noon. The building is still divided by a wall that separates the back 1/3 for State owned set dressing from our front 2/3. but it is also one of the best collections of set dressing we've ever had--of course it's all technically owned by Disney. Other than a little of the falling insulation from the ceiling, there is really nothing left from Magnum days of interest. It's funny, though, because I can still remember seeing fog on the little window in that sticking metal door we all came through dozens of time a day because it was always so cold on that soundstage. They had to turn off the air conditioning whenever they yelled "rolling" because it was so noisy. So they kept it extra cold so when it was off the actors wouldn't cook in front of the lights.
Thanks again for all your kind thoughts, wishes, prayers, and encouragement! It was 28 years ago this month I got the call to work on Magnum full time and being back at the studio where it all began for me and looking forward to working with great people is a great feeling!


  1. So proud for you! I can't wait to hear your updates from your new tv show!

  2. You must have a lot of happy memories from Magnum pi. All the best with the new show!!!

  3. That's great news Rick, happy for you! Be sure to keep the updates on the show coming and I'll keep my eye out for 'The River'

  4. Most awesome, Rick! All the best1

  5. Rick, congratulations! By the way, is there any way to purchase any original Magnum PI props? Surely the film office is as strapped for cash as any other government agency these days. A simple auction with photos could do wonders!

  6. Hey Rick. Thanks mate for this information and website. I loved watching Magnum growing up. Every week I'd eagerly await a new installment.

    I got over to Hawaii a few years ago with work and drove around the areas that were so familiar to me from Magnum.

    I like checking out the photos you posted online!

    By the way winter is now over in Australia!!! Spring is here.

  7. Congratulation Rick! and stay COOL!

  8. Congratulations from me as well! It was surely a very stressful and frustrating situation, and sadly, a testament to the lack of labor law in place to speak of, and surely a lack of labor culture.

    But that could be a different thread for a philosophic considerations of length... Or a Michael Moore movie "Fired on a Parking Lot."

    I have another thought on "5-0": This was and is a bad show! It is completely over the top, as if Hawaii would be worse than Bronx or 1930 Chicago. Sarin gas, murders, bomb explosions, radioactivity, gangs, island wide emergencies, arbitrary property damage, phony bad governor, mercenaries with WW-III type of violent army at their disposal. Combine this with the infamous "Dog of Hawaii," who dressed like a moron, and acting like a vigilante in a seemingly lawless state, apparently has day-in day-out job with some criminals at large, and we ought to ask ourselves: Is it safe to go to Hawaii?

    Whoever visits these Islands on a regular base knows the difference.

    Furthermore, we disliked the too short sub-second cut on 5-0 and the over-saturated colors. This is a bad habit of the Hollywood film makers, who copy use of these horrible greenish/blueish or whatever filters from each other. Such picture destroys the natural beauty of these islands. I rather watch a Magnum re-run. It also destroys the cinematic legacy of these years, period.

    We will keep our eyes out for the "River"! Good luck!

  9. Aloha Rick, just found the link to your blog on the fan site of Magumania...if wish I had found it before my flight to Oahu this summer, as you are a wealth of information. Magnum PI is one of my alltime ever fave series, not only because of its location that is magic, but also because of the great actors, great storylines and the wonderful sense of humor. I never miss its rerun, and the three times I visited Hawaii I´ve been trying to find as many Magnum PI locations as possible. I wish there would be a Magnum PI tour available!
    It´s so impressive that you´ve worked for that series, and Happy 28th anniversary. I am looking forward to reading your blog. TY for your great insight scoop.

  10. Heyy, I would love if you could follow my blog;

  11. Hello! Found M.P.I on netflix! Fun show and love(d) your work! My fav is the flashback to the 30's. Wonder why they didn't do something about the real life mystery of the Jane Lathrop Stanford. Of course that one they didn't solve.

    Fun to stumble onto your bits about the show!

    Best wishes!
