Anybody remember me? Sorry it's been so long....something about cooking for 43 at 5 different dinners here, cards, wrapping, mailing packages and 3 weeks of decorating. It was great! So to relieve my Post Christmas Traumatic Stress Syndrome, I put a ladder up from my library side today and reached in as far as I could under the eaves and managed to pull out a box labelled "Film Stuff." That's a very scientific technical term, I know. So the good news is that there is a lot of Magnum stuff in there. The bad news is that, other than this photo of these 3 studly 80's guys in their shorts, everything is unfortunately in slide form. The other good news is that there is lots of stuff I can put on ebay and maybe make enough money to buy a slide scanner for my Mac. The ones you see for $99 everywhere (I even bought one once) only work on PC's. And no, I'm not sending you the slides so you can scan them! So there will be some new posts of what looks like quite a few sets I haven't shown. You may have to identify most of them as the slides aren't labelled. Some boxes say "Luther Gillis Den, Guesthouse," "Whorehouse," "T.C.'s LR & Office" and some blank ones. I think there still should be more slides somewhere, but I could only reach in so far. The real access to that space is full of stuff. There is also paper work, stationery, and even an asset list of set dressing for a year among other things.
The man who bought my Magnum jacket a few months ago would be amused to know that instead of the jacket at Christmas, we received this card. It almost seems strange to see it say "Merry Christmas" on it. I forgot the jackets took a long time and we were given this card instead. A little "Magnum humor" (very little). The other is a page that we were given (at least mine seems to be an original) of an ad Tom took out in Variety magazine. In case you don't know, no one ever says "Thank You" in this business. I always say that fact you haven't been fired yet is the only thanks that you will ever get. Tom was different and was very appreciative.
So, not the most exciting post, but that's probably going to be it for my inagural blog year of 2008. I'm going to be away from my computer until January 12 and will start posting again soon after. I really appreciate all of your encouragement regarding this blog. May all of my good karma pay off soon with a job in 2009!
The picture is of my crew members, Al on the left and Russ on the right, and me with the great legs in the middle. It was taken outside my office. Tom's office was off on the right, next door to mine.
I will look forward to posting more next year as long you keep enjoying them!
Hauole Makahiki Hou!
Thank you for your blog, it's a real gift for fans like me.
Esteban from spain
Thanks for providing this sort of special things and information. It is realy nice to see those things.
Anyway, I spotted a crew member and T Selleck on a photo at the internet. I think its the same guy as seen in your photo.
link: http://www.magnumpi.nl/images/magnumandcrew.jpg
Ps I'm writting this on my fathers profile, so my name aint Jan, but it is Jeffrey haha.
Hi Jeffrey haha (interesting name),
Sorry for the humor and the fact that my server couldn't find this link. Someone sent me a link to a short-lived show called "Hawaiian Heat." I know they shared our art department office on Magnum for awhile and after the show ended (1 season?), I wound up with the glass front cupboards in my kitchen. Does that even rate TV Trivia?
Again, may thanks for your encouragement. I hope to be posting more when I get back. From 13 in November to 3 in December--I'll try to come up with a decent slide scanner soon. I have hundreds (if not thousands) since that was the preferred way to save images before digital.
Hi again,
Thanks for your reply.
So nice to have someone who knows this and is sharing it with us.
And.. the humor is OK ;)
To get back on the picture:
I made a mistake on the adres. Sorry. This one should be working.
Thank you again for this wonderful blog! Your unique "inside" perspective on the show makes for a fascinating read and is much appreciated. And I love your sense of humor.
And please, whatever you do, get the scanner! :)
All of this is good news to me! I can't wait to see the other pictures and enjoy more of the stories around our favourite TV show.
Happy New Year btw!
great site! I just bought "aloha magnum" (book). I can not wait to read. The website magnummania is also another great site for fans.
How did the guy by magnum's jacket? on e-bay i see iteams that are suppose to be from the set, but i do not know.
I wish they would all do a movie. selleck is suppose to do a third "three men and a baby" movie.
thanks for this site. john
thx for this blog - its very interesting.....please keep it up!!
Hi Rick,
thanks for the blog. I really like this kind of insight from a different angle.
Keep going on!
Christian from Germany
Hey there Rick, awsome blog, thank you for sharing all of this info and pics with us, I read over here also you plan to do some selling on ebay??? if so, and its about props or stuff from the show, please let us know, so we can fight eachother on the acutions to get them, hehehe.
Anyways, thank you again, and BTW, im writing you from Argentina.
Take care, and keep up the good work.
Gus Weber
I never get tired of thanking you all for your thanking me!
As I've said before, unless the person claiming to have something from a Magnum set can produce a photo or other credible documentation that the item is from the set, I would not buy it. As most of the items used on the show were ordinary things purchased from Sears, Woolworths, or a local department store, they were hardly one of a kind items and certainly would not have been rented from an L.A. prop house. So unless John Hillerman left some DNA on that tea cup, I wouldn't waste my money!
I always say that it takes 5 rumors before something happens in the film business and there have been probably been 50 rumors regarding a Magnum movie in the past 10 years. I did hear yesterday that one is being planned by the Brian Grazer / Ron Howard team this spring. Many times films will do all of the interiors in L.A. and come over here for exteriors, but then again, who knows. As long as they don't do it in Australia! I'm still hoping for the "Hawaii Five-0" rumor to come true!
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