Now that I'm getting to the remains of the current photo collection, this is the only photo I have representing the main filming company. It was an episode that had some sort of carnival or side show plot. It was set up at Sandy Beach on the eastern end of Oahu without regard to the very high winds that can happen there. I remember that was a big problem but not finishing at this location was an even bigger one.
The time it takes to film a scene depends on many variables: the actor (mood, memory or mind), "wardrobe malfunctions," equipment, weather, and (more than once) how big the director's hangover was. When it appears that the company may not finish filming a scene at a location and will not be able to return to finish, a decision has to be made how to complete the scene(s) without having to return and still maintain continuity. At this particular location, the wind was a real problem. Keeping an entire carnival set up at a public location until the time was found to come back was not an option. It was determined at some point that part of the location set would have to be moved back to the studio backlot to complete the scene as part of another day. Unfortunately it happened to include the ferris wheel. It's odd to think of a ferris wheel as set dressing, but in this case it was. Luckily it was the amusement company that was responsible for actually moving it while we began duplicating the rest of the set. Back then all we had to go by were polaroid film shots--not always the clearest to see the detail. Now everything that is recorded on film is also on digital video and available immediately. All film is only processed in L.A. Sometimes it was as easy as putting an actor against a wall of the same color and hanging the same picture or drapes hopefully from the original location that could be moved. There were times when one scene in a room might have been
filmed many miles or days later than the rest of the scene. I know I had to try and find some drapes and items to match some things to match one of the sets that had been shot in England. I offered to go get them but.............. Ultimately all I can do is come close and hope no one notices--and usually no one does.
Getting back to the scanning problem of my Magnum slides, thanks to Google, I found a company that claims to do high quality scans at a very reasonable rate. Decent slide scanners start at $800 and the better ones at $1,600. I don't think I have enough Magnum memorabilia left to pay for half of one, so at .29 cents each, this company appears to be the winner. The slides are actually scanned in India! They are cleaned, scanned at 3,000 dpi, put on a disc, I can delete online, and then they are mailed back with a disc. Sounds a little too good to be true, but I'm going to risk it. It takes about 3 weeks and I may just do a few to start. As these are slides, there are no duplicates or back up if something happens. Anyway, given the time and money it will save, I think it's worth giving it a try. So I'll stretch the remaining scans, tell a few jokes, and before you know it, I hope I will have some more photos to keep this blog going awhile longer. I'd sure miss the applause! Thanks again for viewing.
Hi Rick,
This shot is from season 6 an episode called “I Never Wanted To Go To France, Anyway.”
Screen captures from the episode can be seen here http://magnum-mania.com/Pics/Screen_Caps_Season_Six_4.html
Thanks again for your generous efforts in the blog project. Your photos and memories are an invaluable contribution. I think I speak for Magnum PI fans everywhere when I say how much your work here is appreciated.
Mike (N1095A)
Applause! Keep the pictures and commentary coming - I'm so enjoying it.
Hi Rick,
please be careful with sending your slides outside of the USA. I would browse first the internet and looking for an US dealer, who is offering an identical price, as the slides are too rare and don`t forget, these slides keep all your memory of the show and are unique artifacts of
documenting the making of TV series in general in the 80`s.
You blog was the best present i got in the last 5 years - please keep on posting your pics and stories!
thx for doing this - its very interesting.
rick - check this place out - 35 cents each to cd/dvd and its in the usa....
Aloha Rick;
I have a good question for you, and I have researched this and can't find any information. Any help you could provide would be GREATLY appreciated. The last year of Magnum P.I. episode 5 (forever in time) Magnum helps with a Princess called "Princess Kahiwalani". My girlfriends first name is Kahiwalani. Her mother is Hawaiian. Her grandmother named her. The name is spelled the same. I have done a search for a"Princess Kahiwalani" and can't find any information anywhere. My question is, was there ever a "Princess Kahiwalani" or was this a fictious name just for T.V.
Thank you for any help you can provide. She and I are very interested in knowning...
Well, the slides go to a company in California and then get processed in India and it looks pretty good. It's called "scan-safe" so I'll see how safe it really is. Thanks for your concerns....here's hoping!
Again many thanks for all your thanks--never get tired of saying that!
I would assume that the writers on Magnum used their version of Princess Ka'iulani who would have been Queen if the monarchy had continued and if she hadn't died so young. A movie I worked on about her life should be out this year--they are still debating over the title.
As to the Magnum use of "Kahiwalani" (which I have never heard of)--at least it is using Hawaiian terms. "Ka" is the, I'm not sure what "hiwa" means and "lani" means heaven. Most Hawaiian names break down into meanings. "Halekulani", for example, (a famous hotel here) means "House-befitting-heaven." Proper use of Hawaiian names, spelling, and pronunciation has become much more stringent--not to mention politically correct. The language and culture was suppressed for many but has made a remarkable comeback in spite of Hollywood and tourist bastardizations which continue false stereotypes. Oh, oh, I'm getting political......
We scan at home, I have Nikon LS4000 + SA30 roll film adapter and SF200 slide feeder. Maybe we can help? The scanner stands still nowadays, all is digital, so much more convenient and universal. If I only think back and look at the hard job to get decent scans from ISO 1600 negative film... Now the cameras surpass such sensitivity with ease, and "the travel" of the sensor technology is not over yet.
I just want to thank you.
greetings from Romania
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