Iguess I was so happy to have found the first 3 photos, I didn't notice I had 2 more. I don't remember whose room this was, but he must have really liked horses to keep his saddle in his bedroom! (or maybe some other reason I don't want to know about?) Over his dresser is a print of one of Archie Bacon's cowboys. He was the last Art Director I'd worked with on the show and had designed this room that we furnished. He was a good artist and did a lot of western / cowboy drawings and even some sculptures during his slow times at work. Wow, slow times at work?? Those WERE the good old days! Nowadays, 14 hours is hardly enough. I had to laugh at the hat on the dresser that says "paniolo" which was the name and theme of this episode. Probably a good find of mine from the Goodwill or Salvation Army store. No, I didn't dye the drapes to match the ceiling and door color, but it almost looks like it in the photo. The absence of any age or character on the wall surface makes this set look less believable.
I see we used 2 "Hot Set" signs on this set. As I recall they were ignored since the film company was still on the Big Island and this set just sat there. More than one person was caught napping on the bed. Notice the floor was carpeted as were all of our sets (unless they were tiled or some other floor covering). I could almost say that I would eat all of the carpet that was ever actually seen on this show--and still be hungry! As it was difficult to store or reuse carpet (since it was cut to fit each set), most of the crew had Magnum carpet in their homes. Universal Studios policy was that all materials (including lumber, molding, etc.) had to be disposed of and not given away. Since we were 2,500 miles away from their watchdogs, this rule was often ignored. I don't think the word "recycle" was used back then and all those rain forests were still there just waiting to be cut down. I used to smuggle the discarded molding out and give it to the theatre up the hill where I used to work--ok, maybe a few pieces wound up in my house, too. I think the statute of limitations has run out after 20+ years anyway.
Aloha (and stay warm!) It's down into the 70's here today!
HI Rick,
I'm so excited to have found your blog! I have a Google alert on all things Paniolo & that's how I got here.
After doing an internship on Dahana Ranch on the Big Island, I began writing a series of books for HarperCollins called WILD HORSE ISLAND (my website is PhantomStallion.com) and I've always been a Magnum fan!
Rick thanks for doing this blog, I am enjoying it immensely. About the only perk about being here in Iraq is that I have time to watch my Magnum DVDs and search the internet for all things Magnum. The Robins nest has been mentioned a few times on the blog. Eve Anderson frequently opens the estates grounds and access to the tidal pool to local school groups. The past few years I have acted as a chaperone for these outings (pretty altruistic of me). Ms Anderson is always there watching and interacting with the children. She is very nice and doesn’t seem to mind talking to rabid Magnum fans like me. I was there this summer and am glad to report that the estate is in good repair this year. As far as I can tell she no longer has animals on the grounds. I remember that she had a cow in her yard many years ago. Thanks again for your stories!
Thanks for the update on Eve--and from Iraq no less! I always enjoyed her and hearing stories on the history of her estate. Yes, I remember the cow and seem to recall a calf inside the house at one time and other animals as well. Maintaining any large home in Hawaii is a challenge, but near the ocean with the salt air is even worse than termites!
One of the most used film locations in the State is the 5,000+ acre Kualoa Ranch on the windward side of Oahu that has been in the Morgan (Judd) family for 150 years. Every TV show and films from "Brady Bunch II" to "Jurassic Park" have filmed there. Best place to blow up a house, burn a village, or run from dinosaurs in Hawaii!
Just to let you know.... Hawaii Five-0 in their third season had an episode entitled "Paniolo." And since the producers of Magnum always like to throw in references to this earlier show, maybe they used script and episode references too?
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